My Approach

My approach to individual therapy is simple: you are the expert on you. While I bring knowledge and experience in human emotions to the table, it is your firsthand understanding of your own emotions, feelings, and thoughts that truly matters.
My goal is to establish a psychologically safe environment and a trusting therapeutic connection that enables you to openly explore and address challenging aspects of your life. Leading to enhanced self-awareness, revealing subconscious influences shaping your worldview, and ultimately helping foster more genuine relationships with those around you.
You have doubts about going to counseling but also need change
Growing up, we often develop survival skills that are effective within our family systems. However, we transition into adulthood, embark on our careers, or enter committed relationships, these skills may no longer be beneficial and can instead result in conflicts and dissatisfaction. Many of us are unaware of these ingrained patterns or coping mechanisms, leading us to believe we are inherently flawed or that those around us are at fault.
By nurturing a secure therapeutic relationship and collaborating with you to process past and present challenges, a greater emotional capacity can be fostered. This process enables a more enriched emotional experience and a deeper engagement with life. Painful experiences such as childhood trauma, relationship struggles, grief, spiritual conflicts, and more can be addressed. Regardless of the obstacle, we aim to navigate it together, acknowledge your experiences, and empower you to make positive changes if you choose to do so.